Accelerate : building strategic agility for a faster moving world /
by Kotter, John P. Availability: Items available for loan: SKOLKOVO Library [Call number: HD58.8.Kxx] (1).
Act like a leader, think like a leader /
by Ibarra, Herminia. Availability: Items available for loan: SKOLKOVO Library [Call number: HD57.7.I35] (1).
Act like a leader, think like a leader / Herminia Ibarra.
by Ibarra, Herminia, 1961- [author.]. Publisher: Boston, Massachusetts : Harvard Business Review Press, [2015]Copyright date: �2015Availability: Items available for loan: SKOLKOVO Library [Call number: HD57.7 .I35] (1).
Agile talent : how to source and manage outside experts / Jon Younger, Norm Smallwood.
by Younger, Jon [author.] | Smallwood, W. Norman [author.]. Availability: Items available for loan: SKOLKOVO Library [Call number: HF5549 .Y635 2016] (1).
An everyone culture : becoming a deliberately developmental organization / Robert Kegan and Lisa Laskow Lahey ; with Matthew L. Miller, Andy Fleming, Deborah Helsing.
by Kegan, Robert [author.] | Lahey, Lisa Laskow, 1955- [author.]. Availability: Items available for loan: SKOLKOVO Library [Call number: HD58.7 .K425 2016] (1).
Blue ocean strategy : how to create uncontested market space and make the competition irrelevant /
by Kim, W. Chan | Mauborgne, Renée. Edition: Expanded edition.Availability: Items available for loan: SKOLKOVO Library [Call number: HF5415.153.K53] (1).
Bye bye banks? : how retail banks are being displaced, diminished and disintermediated by tech startups and what they can do to survive / James Haycock with Shane Richmond.
by Haycock, James [author.] | Richmond, Shane [author.]. Publisher: London : Wunderkammer, 2015Availability: Items available for loan: SKOLKOVO Library [Call number: HG1601 .H39] (1).
Capital in the twenty-first century /
by Piketty, Thomas | Goldhammer, Arthur. Availability: Items available for loan: SKOLKOVO Library [Call number: HB501] (2).
Collective genius : the art and practice of leading innovation /
by Hill, Linda A. Availability: Items available for loan: SKOLKOVO Library [Call number: HD57.7] (1).
Consiglieri : leading from the shadows / Richard Hytner.
by Hytner, Richard [author.]. Publisher: London : Profile Books, 2014Availability: Items available for loan: SKOLKOVO Library [Call number: HD38.2 .H96] (1).
Dragnet nation : a quest for privacy, security, and freedom in a world of relentless surveillance /
by Angwin, Julia. Edition: First edition.Availability: Items available for loan: SKOLKOVO Library [Call number: JC596] (1).
FinTech innovation : from robo-advisors to goal based investing and gamification / Paolo Sironi.
by Sironi, Paolo [author.]. Publisher: Chichester : Wiley, 2016Availability: Items available for loan: SKOLKOVO Library [Call number: HG173 .S54] (1).
Friend and foe : when to cooperate, when to compete, and how to succeed at both /
by Galinsky, Adam D | Schweitzer, Maurice. Edition: First edition.Other title: Friend & foe.Availability: Items available for loan: SKOLKOVO Library [Call number: HD66] (1).
Global vision : how companies can overcome the pitfalls of globalization / Robert Salomon.
by Salomon, Robert, 1973- [author.]. Availability: Items available for loan: SKOLKOVO Library [Call number: HD2755.5 .S237 2016] (1).
Grit : the power of passion and perseverance / Angela Duckworth.
by Duckworth, Angela [author.]. Edition: First Scribner hardcover edition.Publisher: New York, NY : Scribner, 2016Copyright date: �2016Availability: No items available In transit (1).
HBR guide to office politics /
by Dillon, Karen. Availability: Items available for loan: SKOLKOVO Library [Call number: HF5386.5.D55 2014] (1).
How Google works /
by Schmidt, Eric. Edition: First edition.Availability: Items available for loan: SKOLKOVO Library [Call number: HD9696.8.U64] (1).
Invisible influence : the hidden forces that shape behavior / Jonah Berger.
by Berger, Jonah [author.]. Edition: First Simon & Schuster hardcover edition.Publisher: New York : Simon & Schuster, 2016Copyright date: �2016Online access: Contributor biographical information | Publisher description | Sample text Availability: Items available for loan: SKOLKOVO Library [Call number: HM1176 .B47] (1).
It's not the how or the what but the who : succeed by surrounding yourself with the best /
by Fernandez Araoz, Claudio. Availability: Items available for loan: SKOLKOVO Library [Call number: HF5549.F4194] (1).
Lead the work : navigating a world beyond employment / John Boudreau, Ravin Jesuthasan, David Creelman.
by Boudreau, John W | Jesuthasan, Ravin, 1968- | Creelman, David, 1957-. Online access: Cover image Availability: Items available for loan: SKOLKOVO Library [Call number: HD2365 .B665 2015] (1).