Branding your business : promoting your business, attracting customers and standing out in the market place / James Hammond.
by Hammond, James, 1952-. Publisher: London ; Philadelphia : Kogan Page Limited, c2008Online access: Table of contents | Contributor biographical information | Publisher description Availability: Items available for loan: SKOLKOVO Library [Call number: HF5415.1255 .H36] (1).
Brand rejuvenation : how to protect, strengthen & add value to your brand to prevent it from ageing / Jean-Marc Lehu.
by Lehu, Jean-Marc. Publisher: London : Kogan Page, 2008Availability: Items available for loan: SKOLKOVO Library [Call number: HF5415.15 .L445] (1).
Brand storming : managing brands in the era of complexity / Michele Fioroni and Garry Titterton.
by Fiorini, Michele | Titterton, Garry. Publisher: Basingstoke ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2009Availability: Items available for loan: SKOLKOVO Library [Call number: HD69.B7 F56] (1).
Connective branding : building brand equity in a demanding world / Claudia Fisher-Buttinger and Christine Vallaster.
by Fisher-Buttinger, Claudia | Vallaster, Christine, 1971-. Publisher: Chichester ; Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, c2008Availability: Items available for loan: SKOLKOVO Library [Call number: HD69.B7 F57] (1).
Energize growth NOW : the marketing guide to a wealthy company / Lisa Nirell.
by Nirell, Lisa, 1961-. Publisher: Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2009Other title: EnergizeGrowth NOW.Availability: Items available for loan: SKOLKOVO Library [Call number: HD30.28 .N57] (1).
Luxury brand management : a world of privilege / Michel Chevalier, Gérald Mazzalovo.
by Chevalier, Michel, 1943- | Mazzalovo, Gérald. Publisher: Singapore : John Wiley & Sons (Asia), 2008Availability: Items available for loan: SKOLKOVO Library [Call number: HD69.B7 C473] (1).
Never mind the sizzle - where's the sausage? : branding based on substance not spin / David J. Taylor.
by Taylor, David, 1964-. Publisher: Chichester : Capstone, 2007Availability: Items available for loan: SKOLKOVO Library [Call number: HD69.B7 T39] (1).
Value creation : the power of brand equity / William Neal, Ron Strauss.
by Neal, William D. (William Douglas), 1943- | Strauss, Ron (Ronald), 1943-. Publisher: Mason, Ohio : South-Western Cengage Learning, c2008Online access: Table of contents only Availability: Items available for loan: SKOLKOVO Library [Call number: HD69.B7 N36] (1).
Wowability : how to achieve it & why it matters / Imran Syed.
by Syed, Imran. Publisher: Singapore ; Hoboken, NJ : John Wiley & Sons (Asia), 2008Other title: Wow.Availability: Items available for loan: SKOLKOVO Library [Call number: HF5415 S94] (1).
Бренды и брендинг Рита Клифтон и Джон Симмонз
by Clifton, Rita | Simmons, John, 1948- | Ahmad, Sameena. Publisher: Москва : Олимп-Бизнес, 2008Online access: Table of contents | Publisher description Availability: Items available for loan: SKOLKOVO Library [Call number: HD69.B7 B733 2004] (1).
The thank you economy / Gary Vaynerchuk.
by Vaynerchuk, Gary. Edition: 1st ed.Publisher: New York : Harper Business, c2011Availability: Items available for loan: SKOLKOVO Library [Call number: HF5415.5 .V396 2011] (1).
Брэнди и брэндинг / под редакцией Риты Клифтон и Джона Симмонза ... [et al.].
by Clifton, Rita | Simmons, John, 1948- | Ahmad, Sameena. Publisher: Москва : Олимп-бизнес, 2008Online access: Table of contents | Publisher description Availability: Items available for loan: SKOLKOVO Library [Call number: HD69.B7 B733 2004] (1).
Brand turnaround : how brands gone bad returned to glory and the seven game changers that made the difference / Karen Post.
by Post, Karen. Publisher: New York : McGraw-Hill, c2012Availability: Items available for loan: SKOLKOVO Library [Call number: HD69.B7 P647 2012] (1).
The social media MBA : your competitive edge in social media strategy development & delivery / Christer Holloman ; co-authors, Eb Adeyeri ... [et al.].
by Holloman, Christer | Adeyeri, Eb. Publisher: Chichester, West Sussex, U.K. ; Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, 2012Other title: MBA.Online access: Cover image | Publisher description | Table of contents only | Contributor biographical information Availability: Items available for loan: SKOLKOVO Library [Call number: HD30.2 .H645 2012] (1).
Small data : the tiny clues that uncover huge trends / Martin Lindstrom ; foreword by Chip Heath.
by Lindstr�om, Martin, 1970- [author.]. Publisher: London : John Murray Learning, 2017Availability: Items available for loan: SKOLKOVO Library [Call number: HF5415.32 .L5576] (1).
Six rules for brand revitalization : learn the most common branding mistakes and how to avoid them / Larry Light, Joan Kiddon.
by Light, Larry [author.] | Kiddon, Joan, 1949- [author.]. Edition: Second edition.Publisher: Old Tappan, New Jersey : Pearson Education, [2016]Other title: Learn the most common branding mistakes and how to avoid them.Availability: Items available for loan: SKOLKOVO Library [Call number: HF5415.1255 .L54] (1).