Корпоративные блоги: : Правила поведения / Нэнси Флинн.
By: Флинн, Нэнси
Publisher: Москва : Манн, Иванов, Фербер, c2008Description: xii, 315 p. ; 23 cm.ISBN: 0814473555; 9780814473559.Subject(s): Business communication -- Blogs

Item type | Current location | Collection | Call number | Status | Date due | Barcode | Item holds |
Book | SKOLKOVO Library Shelves | Not Tagged | HD30.37 .F59 2006 (Browse shelf) | Available | 2000003941 |
Includes bibliographical references (p. 199-214) and index.
The case for strategic blog management -- Why blog rules? -- Blogs pose unprecedented risks to business -- Start with a clear objective: why blog? -- Proceed with caution: self-assessment for would-be business bloggers -- Legal risks and regulatory rules in the blogosphere: why every employer must establish blog policies and procedures -- Treat blog posts as business records -- Blogs create million-dollar (sometimes billion-dollar) legal headaches for employers -- Shhh! Blogs put trade secrets and confidential information at risk -- Blog best practices for public companies and regulated firms -- Designing and implementing effective blog rules and policies -- Use written blog rules and policy to control content, maximize compliance, and reduce liabilities -- Communication is key to compliance: train, train, and train some more -- The blog is all about content -- Content can make-or break-your blog and your business -- Managing and editing writers' posts and readers' comments -- Blog etiquette, or netiquette : twelve tips for help maximize civil discourse -- Battling comment spam and splog -- Blog backlash: employers fight back with lawsuits and pink slips -- Employee-bloggers beware 1: Blogging can get you fired! -- Employee-bloggers beware 2: Blogging can get you sued! -- How to blog without getting fired: eight tips for bloggers who want to keep their jobs and stay out of court -- Public relations in the blogosphere : telling your story, recruiting customer evangelists, positioning CEO bloggers -- The rules of engagement have changed : blogs make it harder to control your message and your brand -- Spreading the word and selling the brand through customer evangelists and brand bloggers -- Positioning the CEO-blogger as opinion leader -- Managing your reputation in the blogosphere -- You've been blogged: how to prepare for-and respond to-an attack in the blogosphere -- Best practices help keep blog storms at bay -- Putting business blogs to work: IBM and Edelman share blog secrets, strategies, and success stories -- Q&A with IBM : blog central keeps IBM employees at the forefront of technology -- IBM's blogging policy and guidelines -- Q&A with Edelman -- Edelman's principles and code of conduct : maintaining a weblog -- Appendix A: thirty-six blog rules: best practices to keep you out of court with your corporate reputation intact -- Appendix B: Sample blog policies.
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